Monday, June 11, 2012

Date: 6/11/2012 Location Burger King 8th and Market Street City of Philadelphia PA Today I was on my home minding my own business, at leased I thought it was a regular day I got on a bus that would get me closer to the train and to my surprise I thought there is a Burger King maybe I can stop over there and use the rest room, as I went in the line was about 7 people the line was not moving because the people who we call cashiers are so busy chatting that noting was getting done in a timely fashion and I said look a note reading paying customers only. So I started to use the rest room because the line was not moving and I went to open the door and the guard moved over and held the door saying you can not use the bathroom and so I asked why not he said because you did not buy anything the first thought in mind that I should really go off right now but I am getting older so I just kept my cool and said okay. So I then asked as the line went down could I speak to the manager. The lady said I am the manager and I asked the lady for the main office number and the company who this guard works for and I started to do a good investigation myself. This business is operating under the law and the law says anyone who serves the public has to allow a customer to use the rest rooms this is the law not according the Burger King on 8th and Market in the Philadelphia area, that operates in an unsafe manor when I looked around this place looks like a dumping ground. I am getting denied when you need to have someone to clean this place of business so people don't mind being customers, The Director then called me and asked me when happened I told him everything and I said I was going to make sure I will let everyone know that this business operates under there own laws, no one can use the bathroom until they buy something from the store, so if you come in and there is 20 people waiting you might as well go on the floor like an animal this is what Burger King on Market Street in Philadelphia PA this is there Law, well lets see how the people who work in the food business looks at this business because I want to know how many other people have dealt with this burger king and have had a bad experience. I am sending this out to all of Philadelphia people who went to this store I want to hear the good and the bad about this place of business, I will be getting feed back from the health inspector to follow up and make sure if you are making your own rules what are you doing with the food. I am betting this place does the food the way they want as well it's a knows fact that when a business gets this cocky so does the people, this way and thought of mind set will be in your food as well that they will operate like they want and this is what they do, so anyone with some humor I am open to remarks give me your honest opinion and lets get this started how burger king treats there customers and lets also consider I know people need jobs, but at what expense are you eating from this place well think again and consider what else in the rules are they breaking!

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